Minggu, 25 Oktober 2015

JossLauncher v2.1

Siapa bilang Symbian udah mati.... Nih saya bikinin aplikasi launcher yg [mudah-mudahan] keren, xixixi... Dengan launcher ini, tampilan symbian kamu bisa menyerupai android lho... Kalo masih kurang puas, silakan dimoding lagi tampilannya sesuka hati.
JossLauncher ini didesain berbasis Qt/Qml untuk ponsel bersistem Symbian Belle Refresh tapi tidak menutup kemungkinan digunakan untuk OS Symbian dibawah atau diatasnya, asalkan versi Qt nya sesuai. Sebelumnya lihat dulu nih screenshotnya...

  • Tampilan homescreen dapat ditambah maupun dikurangi, minimal 1, maksimal 6.
  • Masing-masing homescreen dapat ditambah shortcut maupun widget yg telah disediakan.
  • Koleksi widget dapat ditambah dengan widget kreasi sendiri maupun edit dari yg sudah ada.
  • Wallpaper slideshow, dapat mengganti wallpaper sendiri dalam interval yg telah ditentukan. Jumlah wallpaper maksimal 16.
  • Tampilan menu disusun menurut kategori, jika kurang pas bisa dipindah ke kategori lain.
  • Fitur cari aplikasi untuk mempermudah menemukan aplikasi dan membukanya.
  • Tekan dan tahan pada obyek tertentu, untuk menampilkan menu pilihan.
  • Pilihan bahasa: English / Indonesia (otomatis menyesuaikan bahasa ponsel).
  • Custom lockscreen, untuk mengunci layar, pengganti lockscreen default.
  • Support notifikasi Whatsapp (* menyebabkan force close pada kondisi tertentu).
  • Support aplikasi IconChanger
  • Bebas dimodif sesuka hati (bagi yg mengerti script qml)

Tentang widget weather:
Dikarenakan kebijakan layanan di openweathermap.org mewajibkan untuk menggunakan API key, maka untuk menggunakan layanan cuaca dari server harus mempunyai API key yang bisa didapatkan secara gratis dengan mendaftar di sana.

Setelah mendapatkan API key atau application id (32 karakter), copy paste ke file weatherapikey.txt (di X-Plore pastikan centang Save as unicode) yg ada di folder !:\private\E1B3A079\qml\josslauncher. Lihat gambar berikut,


via Mediafire
via UpFile
via GoogleDrive

Changelogs JossLauncher v2.1 build 615
- Penyesuaian baterai diganti menjadi kalibrasi baterai.
(untuk mengkalibrasi baterai, recharge sampai penuh kemudian klik tombol Kalibrasi Baterai)
- Fix daftar aplikasi di kategori lain-lain.
- Fix weather data.
- Penambahan default weather api key (max 60 request per menit).
- Fix pada simpan pengaturan wallpaper.
- Optimalisasi pemuatan album art.

changelogs selengkapnya bisa dilihat pada file teks yg disertakan dalam zip.

Yg masih suka versi lama, JossLauncher v2.0.812 download disini:
via GoogleDrive  atau via Mediafire


thanks to all member Facebook group:
Nokia Custom Firmware Club Indonesia, Family Symbian ^3 Anna Belle

Untuk menambahkan widget kreasi sendiri, gunakan file WidgetTemplate.qml kemudian edit dan sisipkan script widget yg diinginkan. Minimal kamu harus paham akan bahasa qml dan javascript.
Demikian juga untuk mengedit widget yg sudah ada (disarankan diduplikat dulu, sehingga widget asli tidak rusak).

Untuk pertanyaan, kritik dan saran, silakan tulis di kolom komentar. Terima kasih.

71 komentar:

  1. nanya gan,resolusi wallpaper yg pas buat dipajang di homescreen brapa sizenya? ...x640?
    trus kalo seumpama mau ubah target aplikasi yg ada diatas navibar itu gmana caranya?seumpama ane pencet icon yg web,biar ga ngbuka browser bawaan,tpi ngbuka UCbrowser aja..
    thanks before, and by the way, what a great launcher, keep up the good work!

    1. Sebenarnya semua resolusi bisa digunakan, tapi idealnya 640x640. jika terlalu besar akan di-crop, jika terlalu kecil akan di-zoom.
      Utk mengubah target aplikasi, tekan dan tahan ikon tersebut, kemudian pilih aplikasinya. terima kasih.

  2. Balasan
    1. maaf tidak ada, jika ada update maka link versi lama akan tertimpa dg versi baru. terima kasih

  3. Balasan
    1. makasih gan, silakan dipakai dan di-modding lagi biar tambah keren...

  4. Mantap nih Gan Didik selalu ada waktu buat Update Si Vasco....
    Ane ikut Izin Nyulik aja ya Gan.....

    1. boleh nyulik asal gak minta tebusan gan, wkwkwk...

    2. Tenang Gan...., ya...,paling minta tebusan dikit buat ganti kuota ajah.... hahaha...

  5. di N8 ane kog mental gan launchernya

  6. wah keren banget mas...lebih keren dari spb shell..
    btw ada rewncana bikin launcher lain ga? semisal ubuntu mobile atau sailfish os..kan 22nya open source tuh

  7. gimana cara downloadnya ,kok gak bisa di download

  8. Man! Please reupload file. It's don't start download from box!
    Thank U!

  9. link updated via Box and Mediafire.

  10. Still no luck with Box, but MediaFire is OK! Thank U!

  11. By the way, If U will update it in the future, please make info abt it here in the blog with fresh attached build (Box and MediaFire). Your work is really cool, keep it up! :)

    1. thank you, links here are always updated to new version build.
      the latest is v2.0 build 723

  12. Thx for updates! Your shell is rock!

  13. Hello! v2.0 build 812 is final? Any future updates? Thx!

    1. Yes, cz I have no time to continue the development. May be next year... May be it is the last version. Thx.

    2. Thx for answer. Hope You will back.
      Your launcher is the best in Android category on S^3. :)

  14. salah upload g pak ? aku donload yg terbaru kok di dalam zip isix yg 2.0 buil xx

    1. Masak sih? udah sy cek bener kok...
      Link-nya yg ada di atas, kalo yg bawah itu emg versi lama.
      Coba download lagi...

  15. yg di box udah bner pak v2.1 tp yg di mediafire msh v2.0

  16. When trying to search cyrillic symbols (Russian language for example) in GoogleSearch widget - the app is crash.

  17. cara ganti icon batree sama jaringan....bisa gak sobat....

    1. replace aja file .png nya, lihat di folder !:\private\E1B3A079\qml\JossLauncher\Icon\
      tapi untuk icon batre harus edit juga file statusbar.qml

  18. Man! Please write me to BHZX@ya.ru want to ask you some questions.
    Also want to make U little offer. Thank U! :)

  19. What about uninstalling apps using menu?

    1. I don't have any source code for implementing uninstall app directly from menu, then please go to appmanager to uninstall it. thank you

  20. Hello. You can tell what file is responsible for the text under icons on the menu? and whether the effects Fixed bug when exiting the menu?

    1. the file is AppItem.qml
      effect fixed when exiting menu? what do you mean?

  21. Icons from the menu are sometimes seen in the picture polovinu.Proverte themselves go to the menu and back notice .

    1. Which version do you use? I didn't notice it.
      Please add a screenshot!

    2. The latest version of this fix to all versions do not know how you did not notice before they get a screenshot but I do see this fix appears on the second well take a look .

  22. Here's a screenshot - maybe it can be corrected or the effects depend on the phone?

    In the latest version of the screenshot , just a little modifiuiroval .

    1. May be it's a transition animation, it's lagging because of low memory (free RAM) on your phone. It cannot be changed, but can disabled to save memory.

    2. Do not know , RAM 289 MB , not exactly because of it.

  23. Are kindly requested to make a horizontal mode. This is a necessary feature of such phones as the Nokia E7

  24. muchas gracias amigo te agradezco por el launcher de verdad que esta muy bueno saludos desde Ecuador

  25. yang buat symbian anna afa ga mas?

    1. versi QT nya beda, jd update dulu QTnya ke versi 4.7.4 dan Qt.Mobility ke v1.2
      atau upgrade sekalian ke Symbian Belle Refresh.

    2. oh ok mksh mas. Ga bisa update belle. Soal.y dulu udh pernah downgrade.

  26. master, tolong ane dong.
    Pas ane bka, kbuka mh kebuka cuman balik lagi (kaya mental)
    ane pake cfw BE

    1. biasanya itu terjadi krn font tidak cocok, solusinya ya ganti font yg standar.
      bisa juga karena terlalu banyak file sampah di memori internal, solusinya di-HardReset, hehehe...
      jika masih mental juga, berarti Anda belum beruntung :D

  27. After adding the java programs Launcher does not start (the program will work only after the removal of the file date string java apps ), I think of this, and does not run your program . Thank you for your attention , I think you understand what I mean.


    1. It does not work if JossLauncher a Java program , after updating the menu JossLauncher simply throws .

    2. To test install any Java application , and update the menu in JossLauncher. Even when you exit the menu inhibit the effects of the menu icons on the second are visible on the desktop , I do not know whether it is a bug or not but if the menu favorite is okay .

    3. it didn't happened on my phone...
      the java application shown both in menu and homescreen.

  28. ios 9 yapsan uygulama süper olur.

  29. please convert statusbar to normal

    1. you can revert back to previous version of statusbar, just replace the mainstatusbar.qml and do some editing :D

  30. please remove edit,lock and dialer icon from bottom bar and add lollipop bottom bar icons

    1. why don't you do it yourself? it's simply delete the edit, lock, dialer, and also other item if you want, then add your favourite one. the file is Navbar.qml

  31. is it possible to have this app without folder...?????
    i mean only apps, no games - favourite etc sec/folder.....

    1. yes, it is possible. but there are so many script editing in menupage.qml that I can't explain here.
      to get all installed applications name, use function Aplikasi.semuaApp();
      delete all category stuff, then add single categoryview contain all apps.
      please have a look at qt/qml script by googling it :D

  32. gimana cara ganti walpaper dihomescren mas,kalau biground dah bisa.makasih

  33. gimana cara ganti walpaper dihomescren mas,kalau biground dah bisa.makasih

  34. Pada menu pengaturan wallpaper, klik Tambah trs pilih dr galeri, default wallpaper jgn dcentang.

  35. ane msh blm paham cara seting kode API KEY na bos, udah ane copy paste ke weatherapikey.txt yg ada di folder !:\private\E1B3A079\qml\josslauncher tp masih gak mau update cuaca na error mulu. blh minta pencerahannya bos?

    1. jika pke X-plore, pastikan sudah disimpan save as unicode. jika pke notepad++ di komputer, pilih encoding UCS-2.
      jika masih error, kemungkinan server cuaca lagi ada gangguan, hehe

  36. Thank you very much for this beautiful app and
    we are waiting for more for Symbian

  37. Gan sya gk visa pasang karna qt nya gk cocok harus pake qt terbaru, punya qt terbarunya gk gan
